Tuesday 2 August 2011

5 kinds of men temptress

Boys and Girls have their own way to tease incarannya. How to flirt or tease someone was able to describe his intentions. Whether just for fun, physical attraction, or indeed a serious intention.
Jeffrey Hall, Ph.D., assistant professor of communication at the University of Kansas, the United States expressed her research on "seductive style 'and how to interpret it. Of facial lines and eye gaze, Hall defines flirting as an overall approach and shows a romantic interest. He was later identified with the following five basic styles:

1. The 'Player'
When you see her speech seemed very 'disconnected'. Within a few days you are dealing intensively with him but then he disappeared and difficult to contact. This is 'drama' which he made to make you curious. Maybe when the time approaches but it was fun while having a serious, would be very annoying. If you meet a man who likes to flirt in this way, he really is not too fond of you.
"Men adventurous type do it simply to increase her confidence. He flirts with simple that you really like the process is not incarannya. It's like exercise for him," Hall said, as quoted from Shine.

2. The Section
Your eyes will definitely not miss this guy. He dressed impeccably and his body language showed that she felt sexy. This man is reliably make a very interesting conversation. He also tends to like to commend and catapult gombalan. If it tempts you with gombalannya could be he was very interested in both emotional and physical. However, nothing more. According to Hall, the man is perfect if you just want to have fun and not for the long term.

3. Si Sincere
This man you can find anywhere, a friend introduced or in the office. He tempts you with a way of 'probing'. All questions posed focused to know you inside and out. This is because he feels have an emotional bond with you. "He may be more cautious in the first movement. Men of this type have great respect for the woman with the patience through the process without force," said Hall.
The process approach is a bit long. However, it is because he is very careful and do not want to make mistakes that make you leave. If he approaches you slowly and very curious, we know he really likes you. The intention is for a serious relationship with you.

4. The Traditional
This man really appreciate the conventional values ​​in treated women. As in, open the car door or bring flowers for you. You may be wondering about the romantic tendencies, but he was very fond of it. Because, his intention to establish a solid relationship. If the spouse so, he certainly loved you. Each ledge approach he did, a sign he was increasingly interested in you.

5. The Cuek
This cool guy, though always hanging out with friends, but often caught staring at you. He does not like the approach and hid behind her male friends. If that approach, he will do it personally and is not seen crowds. Even he can directly take you to eat together without further ado.
This type of guy who would just seductive woman he really wanted and if he wants to undergo a serious relationship. So, it is definitely his intention to approach you is a more serious relationship

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